These pics are of Maggie on the horse trail on Jan. 2002!
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Maggie loves going for trail rides!
She met Ruby the horse a couple of months ago and
they get along great!
It was the first time Maggie ever saw a horse in her life, and she is not scared of her at all!
Sometimes she even follows her around. It is so cute when they smell each other, Maggie is so tiny compare to Ruby. But she doesn't seem to mind at all! Nor does Ruby!
Maggie enjoying her day at the trail!

Resting a little on people's lap and on the table!
Maggie with Ruby and ON Ruby!

Learning not to run behind Ruby.

Below are the newest pictures of Maggie at the horsetrail!!
(pictures taken on April 2002)

Resting on the looooong grass.

It's a beautiful day!

Walking on the trail, and posing for the camera!

Getting refreshed!

Let's Play!